10 Ways To Make Your Husband’s Heart Melt On His Birthday

Don’t guess it already. Yes, it is my husband’s birthday today.

While I was thinking and brainstorming what to give to him or what activities should we do this year, I thought I could share these ideas with you.

If your husband’s birthday is fast approaching and you are running out of ideas on how to celebrate with him, this is for you. You are about to go into a frenzy because considering the number of years you have been married, and it almost seems that you have been doing the same surprises, gifts, and celebrations every year.  Top all of that, choices to celebrate your better half’s birthday has become too costly.

If you are caught in these situations, read this throughout to get ideas on how to make your husband’s birthday unique and meaningful that will melt his heart.  Here are my top 10 recommendations.

1. CREATE A MUSIC VIDEO.  Our smartphones and tablets have built-in video editors or movie makers.  Collate many pictures and exciting videos of him. Choose a song with meaningful lyrics.  Make that video that will bring tears in his eyes guaranteed. He can keep this video to last a lifetime.

2. MASTER OF THE HOUSE.  Secretly, husbands want to be kings even for a day.  From the moment he wakes up, announces his loyalty to the whole family.  Ask him to make a list of what he intends to do on his special day. Try your very best to accomplish all that is on the list.  Men may not generally be showy on their gratitude, but they will be more than grateful.

3. ANNOYANCE THEN SURPRISE.  Ask him to do a boring, irrational, and senseless errand like buying a head of lettuce from the greengrocer.  The more annoying the task, the better. Then at the place where he will buy it (take note, not at home) surprise him with concert or movie tickets he has wanted to watch or a dinner reservation he has been eyeing for some time.

4. PERSONALIZED GIFT COUPONS.  I do not mean coupons you can buy in the supermarket or malls.  Make coupons that would suit his likes. For example, he has been expressing to have a day rest from chores and responsibilities; you can make a “Lazy Day Coupon” where you will do all his tasks for the day.  An “Intimate Body Massage” coupon is not only sexy but idyllic too.

5. ROMANTIC GETAWAY.  When I talk to my friends, they always say that this is one of the best heart-warming surprises their husbands adored.  It does not have to be too expensive. Husbands just like peace, away from job, and a stress-free getaway plan.

6. MUSIC SAYS WHAT WORDS CAN NOT.  Who does not like music?  Treat your husband to a concert of his favorite music icon.  The energy of the show will rejuvenate his soul and rest his constant tired heart.  Let the magic of music do its job!

7. BAKE A CAKE.  Yes.  Bake. Do not buy.  Men like it personal.  He (most men) does not care much if the cake looks like a toppled sand castle or as majestic as the Eiffel Tower.  What matters to them is the effort of the one who baked. In his mind, you are doing many household chores, yet you still managed to bake a cake.  That extra mile you did will leave a lovingly look on his face.

8. JOIN IN ON AN ADVENTUROUS EXPERIENCE.  The survey said that men are more appreciative of the gift of an experience rather than material.  Ask yourself many questions as to what your husband likes to do and what interests him. Choose one and plan away his short term dream.  Note that you should engage yourself in this adventurous experience. It is essential for him that you understand and accept his likes and hobbies.

9. REPAIR OR FIX HIS MATERIAL LOVEY.  If your husband loves wearing the same pants or jacket and it looks all worn out, it is time to mend or patch the holes.  If he is decided to keep his things for forever, you might want to consider getting him the exact replacement.

10. SPEND TIME TOGETHER.  For me, this is the most effective way to celebrate his birthday.  Since it is Friday today, most probably he got tired from work, and he wants to sip wine and cuddle at home.

For you, your husband has dedicated his life to you and his children. He would not want anybody else but you by his side at the end of the day.  Touching and caressing soothe his stress and anxieties. You will be surprised that this does not lead to sex but to a more intimate understanding of the person you call husband.

Be more creative, adjust, or change the suggestions above.  Alter a few here and there to fit your husband’s personality and likes.

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