Benefits of Using Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is proven to have health benefits when incorporated in food. It also has medicinal properties when used as a medicine. Coconuts have long been a primary source of food throughout the tropics and there many industrial and cosmetic applications have made them a valuable community. 

Philippines as a tropical country is abundant of coconut trees.

According to the Philippine Coconut Authority of the Department of Agriculture, 68 out of 79 Philippine provinces are coconut areas. As a matter of fact, we created food recipes and formulated natural health medicine from this superfood.

Coconut oil can work wonders and can give you an all natural and affordable body makeover. When we talk about beauty, we don’t settle just for beauty. We want skin deep and healthy beauty. 

Coconut oil has natural properties that help in maintaining healthy skin and good hair. The use of coconut oil in beauty regimens and routines has increased since it was proven to be effective. Beauty experts claim that coconut oil is so versatile that it can be used in any skin care or hair care regimens.

Let’s know more about this amazing natural product and the different ways we can incorporate it into our daily beauty routines.

  • Hair

A fatty acid called lauric acid is found in coconut oil. This fatty acid is known for its antiviral and antibacterial qualities. Since it has natural cleansing properties and its consistency is oily, coconut oils work great as a pre-wash and deep conditioner. 

Lauric acid is easily absorbed into hair proteins and will work to strengthen hair follicles. This prevents the loss of hair proteins which results in nourished, strong and more radiant hair. It conditions hair, prevents split ends, reduces frizz, and controls flaky scalp and dandruff. It is also a powerful eliminator of head lice.

However, coconut oil does not work for all hair types. Know what best work for you and always start with a small amount when you try it for the first time. 

  • Face

Facial skin is very sensitive. It is always exposed to sunlight and dirt. Changes in weather and temperature make it even more difficult to maintain, youthfulness, elasticity, and strength. Coconut oil is rich in antioxidants. Its natural antibacterial and antimicrobial properties make it a perfect solution. 

It does not only moisturize the skin but also acts as a protective barrier against environmental and free radical damage. It helps to firm skin tone, preventing age spots, sagging, and wrinkles. It also reduces bags, puffiness, and wrinkles under eyes. I, personally use coconut oil to remove my makeup every after a whole day of wearing foundation, it feels much healthier for me feeding my facial skin natural oil and not using an alcohol-based facial cleanser. It is called So, So Coco Make up Remover Cream & Cleanser


If you have very sensitive skin like me, this is a gem. It is filled with natural oils and emollients that nourish and hydrate your sensitive skin while breaking down and dissolving the chemical compounds in your makeup.

It is indeed a miracle when you use coconut oil together with other natural ingredients, such as:

Organic Coconut Oil

This super oil is naturally antibacterial and moisturizing, providing a gentle cleanse for your face while also breaking down makeup and leaving your skin with a glow

Organic Aloe

Named the “plant of immortality” by Ancient Egyptians, aloe keeps skin hydrated, helps maintain skin elasticity to fight to age, heals acne and eczema, and acts as a moisturizer

Grapeseed Oil

No clogged pores with this oil, in addition to moisturizing skin, grapeseed oil tightens skin and reduces dark circles under the eyes

Vitamin E

Along with its moisturizing and healing properties, this emollient acts as a cleansing agent while also maintaining the skin’s oil balance

  • Skin

Our skin needs to be constantly moisturized to avoid dryness. Coconut oil is a great moisturizer and it can even work better than any chemically produced skincare products. 

Coconut oil is good for hardened and cracked feet. Constantly apply on the affected area and the results are more than satisfying. 

It can also be used as an exfoliant. Just mix it with natural grainy and exfoliating agents such as sugar or salt. It’s natural soothing property combined with natural ingredients leaves your skin with an even color and a soft texture.

Here are some other skin benefits:

  • Lessens occurrence and appearance of varicose veins.
  • Soothes sunburned skin and promotes healing of burns and blisters
  • Heals psoriasis and eczema lesions.
  • Removes scars and stretch marks
  • Heals diaper rash and removes cradle cap on babies

Coconuts are a versatile superfood providing nutrition, health benefits, and amazing medicinal properties. Coconuts are totally natural, easily available and affordable; and every part of the fruit is useful.

Coconut oil is known throughout the world for its versatility and the benefits we can get from it are just endless. The best way to utilize its properties to beauty routines is to understand its benefits and know how to use it correctly. It is also a matter of understanding your skin type and knowing what best works for you. 

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