8 Best Home Remedies When Your Child Suffers From Cough and Colds

It could just be any other day when everything is normal – the giggles, the chaos, and the usual tears of hunger and demands until your child gets sick. While we know for a fact that every single child would have to go through cough and colds because all of us did and still does, it’s a challenge no matter what.

Our little ones, apart from the fact that they will be hysterical and irritable most of the time, will tear our hearts apart because we know they are struggling. Some moms would immediately rush their young ones to the doctor. Of course, there’s nothing wrong with this. However, it will still be best to be mommy-ready with some home remedies, just in case.

So today, we have listed a couple of effective home remedies for cough and colds we’ve personally tried. Feel free to read on:

1. A good rest.

Our young ones would hate sleep. It would feel like a punishment to them. Admit it, when we were still their age, we despised the thought of having to “rest” during the day. Remember when we hated our parents so much because we could either get a beating or be banned from watching TV if we don’t “sleep” in the afternoon? Nevertheless, a good rest will help boost the immune system and will allow the body to gain energy and finally get well.

2. Liquid replenishment.

Liquid therapy helps replenish the liquids lost from vomiting or fever. It may either be plain water which might just “taste boring” to your kids or perhaps, fresh fruit juice. Fluids, as such, may help loosen the mucus. According to experts, it’s 8 glasses of water daily. It might taste boring for a sick child. It’s up to you to do the magic.

3. Consider using a humidifier.

If possible, you could use a humidifier to keep the room’s air moist. This will lower the chances of nasal and chest congestion.

4. Run a warm shower.

This will help your child to breathe the shower’s warm mist and may help prevent nasal and chest congestion.

5. Gargle with salt.

Prepare 1/4 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Let your child gargle. While this isn’t a cure, gargling will certainly relieve pain. This procedure may be repeated as deemed necessary.

6. Give a little honey.

For babies from 1-2 years old, 2-5ml of honey would be best. It will help thin the mucus and loosen the cough too. Make sure not to administer to young ones below one year old.

7. Use mentholated rub.

An irritated young one may calm down with a mentholated rub. Make sure to get hypo-allergenic one. Rub it on your child’s chest and the neck – particularly over the throat.

8. Do the garlic trick.

Garlic is known to have antibacterial properties, which will certainly help fight the excessive harmful bacteria away from your little angel’s body. But of course, you will not be able to feed chopped garlic to them directly. Doing the garlic trick means adding a little bit more minced garlic to your child’s meal – it could be pasta or any lightly sauteed dish he may like.

Infants’ blocked nose may be sucked using a bulb syringe after a few drops of saline nose spray. They’re delicate like that. For first-time moms, it could cause you a panic attack the moment that your child suffers from a cold or cough – even both. It’s heartbreaking to see your kids weak after a long day of running here and there. Cough and cold can just invade them in a snap of a finger, so better be vigilant and be rock-solid confident with the best home remedy for cough and colds in children.

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