PLACES TO GO IN JAPAN A few years back


A few years back I was able to meet a student who was from Japan. I asked him his hometown of course and he said, “I’m from Hiroshima prefecture.” At that time, I was quite in awe knowing that Hiroshima, Japan is where the very infamous atomic bombing happened.

But as our conversation progressed, I came to know that Hiroshima is not all that. Yes, it is very rich in historical accounts due to what happened in the past, but it is also a sprawling city where you can find interesting places to visit. I was able to discover places that were awe inspiring which came with both a tale from the past and a contemporary touch of the modern era. This has triggered my curiosity towards this city ad made me learn about more.


Let’s unearth some of the most fascinating places to visit that really caught my attention in the world’s peace capital Hiroshima, Japan.


– This place was built to remember the victims of the Hiroshima bombing to symbolize unceasing peace. It has monuments, memorials and museums which depicts that very historical day. It is strategically located in the once known busiest area of the city and the epicenter of the bombing.


– Located on the coastal site where many people visit, this majestic structure stands tall in some part of the Hiroshima bay. This was a shrine dedicated to a Japanese princess and gives a very picturesque sight especially during high tide since it seems afloat  and is a spectacular attraction at night.


– This museum specifically shows images during the bombing and contains various exhibits that portray the reality of events that took place in that fateful day. It is very famous to a lot of tourist since it has millions of visitor who are very much into discovering the history of the city. Since it is a must-see in Hiroshima, it has become a very popular tourist attraction.


– This castle was once owned by a noble man and then passed to a famous samurai stands with a five-story main tower. The tower has many informative museum dealings that are all connected to the city’s history and in addition more descriptions about the castle too. On the top floor you an see the beautiful view of the Hiroshima harbor which is a sight to see. It also has the very popular three trees that survived the atomic bombing.


– Japan is known for one of the oldest maker of cars, Mazda. This is a must for individuals who are car enthusiasts. They will be able see the finest vehicles built and also enjoy the process of car manufacturing. This place shows the best car ever built by the brand Mazda. Bonus, you will also be able to take a look of their future cars.

Hiroshima is also kid friendly because children can enjoy activities in a place called the Hiroshima Children’s museum. They will be able to experience hands on activities, see interactive science displays and discover the planetarium.

In addition, you can also enjoy the lively Hiroshima Night after visiting these very well-known tourist spots. These places are well lit at night and you will be able revisit the amazing attractions you have been to in your memory.

Though Hiroshima will always be known in history as the place for the world’s first atomic bombing, for many it has become a city that has symbolized strength. It has proven itself to overcome all the pains and was able to rise again and become the word’s peace capital.

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